Informative Category

Below you can find posts in the Informative category

The Pen is Mightier Than the Tech

The Pen is Mightier Than the Tech by Penn’orth

21st January 2019

by Guest Writer Penn’orth Now that the idiocy of Christmas (well, maybe the ‘hype’ part of it) is consigned to be an unpleasant memory, I can make a stab at having a go at this modern innovation known, for whatever reason, as a blog. It struggles into life as... read more

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Benefits of Colouring

Benefits of Colouring

21st January 2019

Benefits of colouring There are many different reasons as to why colouring books have become so popular with adults. There are both mental and physical benefits. For example, colouring simulates brain areas related to motor skills, senses and creativity allowing the centre of your brain to relax. This is... read more

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Fun Facts, Informative

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